It is available for free download, and it is completely free for use, with no strings attached. No tracking of any kind.
It's just a good clean piece of canadian software.
In fact it is being conspicuously and deliberately abandoned into the public domain.
God-willing(SWT) it will benefit people who wish to use it.
It helps to write up outgoing email, and it can also be used for writing up websites.
The program itself was written using HTML Javascript and CSS, all of which are plaintext. They do not need to be compiled, and the resulting program does not require any kind of installation.
Everything that the browser does can be leveraged in favour of the users needs.
You better scroll your eyes back one line and read that again.
So, to hash it out the rest of the way for you: It has translation, it has 'mailto' link assembly, it has website assembly, and it can use keyword swap outs. Yes, that's right. Full chunks of HTML can be swapped out for keywords. I suggest using emojis for the keywords.
I have been working on the translation and so on for the six multi-lingual metropolitan centres all day. But, what am I complaining about. I was able to work through that in basically a single day?
I'll keep you posted...
Have a look at the mailStack section, and see if you notice the hockey-puck on the 'one-timer' function.